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Opportunity Spurs Growth at NAI Ohio Equities

Less than a year after Matt Gregory stepped into the role of Managing Director for NAI Ohio Equities, 他正在兑现自己的承诺,专注于该经纪公司的增长和运营战略.


Chad Boggs, Bastian Gehrer, Andrew Green, Peter Griffith, 克里斯·威灵顿将成为该公司正式培训项目的首批学员.

格雷戈里说,培养下一代经纪人对于满足与该地区预期增长相关的需求非常重要. 它还允许公司利用其现有的终身代理团队的集体经验来培养新的人才.

“The ‘Fast Track’ is intended to streamline the process for new agents, 为他们提供必要的知识和接触,这通常需要几年的时间, over the course of six months,” explained Gregory.

项目参与者每周将进行三次90分钟的会议,其中一次会议的重点是销售, negotiation, and prospecting techniques; one which will focus on industry insights, market trends and deal analysis; and one session per week will be spent in the field meeting with industry experts.


Gehrer recently graduated with a degree in Entrepreneurial Studies, with coursework in strategic planning, market analysis, and innovative thinking.

Boggs此前在物流和零售行业从事了15年的信息技术工作. 他以房东和商业租户的个人经验加入NAI Ohio Equities.

Green, who has taken the most traditional path toward a career as an agent, comes from a background in real estate appraisal. 他说,他之所以选择加入这个项目,部分原因是由于NAI Ohio Equities在质量方面的声誉.

“In my experience, 在哥伦布,没有任何一家券商能像NAI Ohio Equities那样持续获得积极回应,” said Green. “I am excited to now be able to learn from some of the best,” he continued.

格雷戈里指出,商业房地产的进入壁垒可能是一个挑战, 他解释说,特工们通常是通过认识这个领域的人开始他们的波音bbin的,而且通常是一对一的指导.

“Unless you grew up in a real estate family, becoming a commercial real estate agent is usually a second career. 这是一个让你利用特定的个性特征和市场知识,为客户提供实际的代表,以实现他们的房地产需求的行业,” said Gregory.

他认为,制定一个正式的培训计划可以解决这一挑战,因为它为具有相关技能的潜在候选人打开了广阔的领域. It also provides other benefits, 比如接触不同的细分市场,这样代理商就能确定哪个可能是最合适的, as well as improving their rate of success.

Chad Boggs

Chad Boggs在物流和零售行业从事信息技术工作超过15年后加入NAI Ohio Equities. As a small business owner, Chad has experience as both a landlord and commercial tenant, which led to the discovery of his passion for commercial real estate. 他希望用这种热情来帮助其他人通过房地产实现他们的财务目标. Chad毕业于俄亥俄大学和宏德罗斯学院,并于2023年获得了房地产执照. He is a member of both Columbus REALTORS® and the National Association of REALTORS®.

Bastian Gehrer

After graduating from Marietta College in 2023, Bastian Gehrer joined NAI Ohio Equities’ Fast Track training program, where he is one of just five selected to be a part of the 2023 inaugural class. 巴斯蒂安毕业于创业文学学士学位,他的课程是战略规划, market analysis, and innovative thinking prepared him for a commercial real estate career. 巴斯蒂安的企业家心态以及他发展关系的愿望吸引了他进入这个行业. 巴斯蒂安于2023年获得了他的房地产执照,是Columbus REALTORS®的成员.

Andrew Green

Andrew Green加入NAI Ohio Equities,拥有超过10年的商业评估师经验. 安德鲁对商业估值过程有着深刻的理解,这将有助于他向客户提供有关其投资可能受到市场状况影响的建议, as well as with risk mitigation strategies.

Andrew毕业于The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business,获得工商管理文学学士学位, majoring in both marketing and real estate. 他于2023年获得了房地产执照,并继续在俄亥俄州和印第安纳州作为一般商业估价师持有执照. As an appraiser, Andrew specialized in cannabis-related retail, industrial properties, and automotive dealerships.

Peter Griffith

Peter Griffith is a Columbus native and has been with NAI Ohio Equities since 2022. While studying Economics at Ohio State University, 在获奖的那一年,彼得在希兰·西蒙团队工作期间完成了两个学期的实习. During that time, Peter was exposed to well over 100 transactions, 获得了实践经验和市场知识,他将把这些带到他的经纪人生涯中. Peter通过Columbus REALTORS®青年专业人士网络获得全额奖学金,并于2023年完成了他的房地产执照.

Chris Wellington

克里斯·威灵顿(Chris Wellington)的波音bbin始于匹兹堡海盗队(Pittsburgh Pirates)的客户主管,之后他与一家商业服务公司合作,在那里他成立了一个专注于商业项目工作的部门. In 2020, he moved into the role of CEO before selling the business in 2022. His experience and success in new business development, key account management, 项目管理加上他对商业地产的接触和了解,使他自然而然地转型为商业代理. Chris毕业于迈阿密大学,获得市场营销学士学位,最近获得了他的房地产执照.

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